

蜂蜜影视 惊心动魄 - 实录蜜蜂第一个21天的生活!


蜂蜜影视 太阳女王 - 蜜蜂要告诉我们什么

QUEEN OF THE SUN: What Are the Bees Telling Us? is a profound, alternative look at the global bee crisis from Taggart Siegel, director of THE REAL DIRT ON FARMER JOHN. Taking us on a journey through the catastrophic disappearance of bees and the mysterious world of the beehive, this engaging and ultimately uplifting film weaves an unusual and dramatic story of the heartfelt struggles of beekeepers, scientists and philosophers from around the world including Michael Pollan, Gunther Hauk and Vandana Shiva. Together they reveal both the problems and the solutions in renewing a culture in balance with nature.

蜂蜜影视 日本蜜蜂“热杀”马蜂(有配乐!)

The defence mechanism is known as a 'hot defensive bee ball'. 
When hornets attack, they kill all the worker bees, before 'looting' a nest for larvae and food. So the bees developed the defence mechanism to stop the predators. 
The bees swarm over the hornets in groups of up to 500, and start vibrating their wings until the temperature reaches 47 degrees centigrade. The heat is fatal for the hornets.

蜂蜜影视 蜜蜂的生命周期(三)

The life cycle of a honey bee is presented as an example of complete metamorphosis, the development of an insect from egg to larva, then pupa, then adult. Some aspects of beekeeping are also discussed.

蜂蜜影视 蜜蜂的生命周期(二)

The life cycle of a honey bee is presented as an example of complete metamorphosis, the development of an insect from egg to larva, then pupa, then adult. Some aspects of beekeeping are also discussed.

蜂蜜影视 蜜蜂的生命周期(一)

The life cycle of a honey bee is presented as an example of complete metamorphosis, the development of an insect from egg to larva, then pupa, then adult. Some aspects of beekeeping are also discussed.

蜂蜜影视 蜜蜂的语言 - 舞蹈 After a successful hunt, a forager performs a highly stylized "dance" that tells her peers what direction to go to find the food, how good it is and how far away it is. The bee does a "round dance" if the food is close to home, while a "waggle dance" indicates it is farther away.  蜂蜜影视 MORE THAN HONEY 瑞士电影导演Markus Imhoof的纪实影片《比蜂蜜更多》(More Than Honey)用大量的实际素材探讨了蜜蜂死亡的原因。《比蜂蜜更多》(More Than Honey)于2012年8月11日在洛迦诺电影节首映影片之所以震撼,还因为它采用的原始素材有105小时之长! 此外,有些蜜蜂的镜头还是由迷你蜜蜂摄影器拍摄的!
蜂蜜影视 蜜蜂 - 自然的历史(一) Honey bees are social insects in the family Apidae, order Hymenoptera. The most important species to humans is Apis millifera, the honey bee.Honey bees live in colonies or bee hives. Bees have two pairs of wings and compound eyes. 蜂蜜影视 蜜蜂 - 自然的历史(二) Bees are called social insects because they live and work together as a community. Thousands of female bees, called worker bees, live together in a hive with a queen bee. The queen bee is marked with a red dot so we can see her better.


         我们是蜂蜜爱好者,一位在南半球的澳洲从事天然麦卢卡蜂蜜的推广,一位在北半球的中国曾从事过几年中国蜂蜜的出口贸易,我们秉承FROM HIVE TO YOU的朴素理念对推广纯天然蜂蜜有着无比的热情。我们愿尽自己绵薄之力让大家有机会享受到世界各地的天然蜂蜜。我们也愿做桥梁,让"我爱蜂蜜网" 成为世界各国天然蜂蜜交流的平台。我们求同不伐异,我们是天然蜂蜜的 "传递者",我们不是蜂蜜的"制造者"。